Spine and Nervous System Scanning
At Life Family Chiropractic, Nocatee, FL, Dr. Brett uses a state of the art, research grade technology to scan the spine and nervous system. This scanning system allows us to see the thermal changes, muscle tension, energy expenditure, and overall function and adaptability of the nervous system. INSiGHT scans are all about finding, tracking, and understanding if subluxation or dysautonomia is present. If so, INSiGHT scans tells us two things: 1) How significant or severe? 2) Where within the neurospinal system are issues primarily located?
Keep reading below to learn more about the three types of INSiGHT scans!
Quick Tips
What is the Central Nervous System?
The most important system that determines whether your child (and your entire family) is healthy or not is the Central Nervous System. It’s made up of three divisions: 1) Sensory 2) Autonomic 3)Motor. All divisions work together to coordinate EVERY internal body function with EVERY movement and with EVERY thought, emotion, behavior, and cognitive function.
While you’ve probably invested quite a bit of time, energy, and resources into trying to get your child’s gut health, immune system, and motor tone (PT, OT, Speech Therapy, etc.) functioning the best you can – your current provider team may have overlooked the one common thread that ties them all together – the central nervous system.
/Autonomic/: Everything running on autopilot and happens automatically. You can best think of this in terms of the four (4) things we know healthy babies are supposed to be able to do – eat, sleep, poop, and move.
The autonomic nervous system controls and coordinates all four (4) of those key health-building functions in your child. We can measure how well (or not) the nervous system is doing its job with our simple, safe, and reliable INSiGHT Scans!
How does the Central Nervous System work?
The nervous system is a two-way street.
‘Sensory Nerves’ send information and report to the brain exactly what’s going on inside the body (internal environment) + outside the body (external environment).
‘Motor Control Nerves’ send signals out from the brain and spinal cord and tell the various parts of the body what to do, when to do it, how to do it, etc.
Because a child’s brain (nervous system) doubles in size during its first year of life, and continues growing and developing at that rapid pace for the first 3-7 years of life… making sure this system is working at full function is simply the most important exam and assessment any pediatric provider could ever perform for your child.
Concluding– an INSiGHT Scan that tells you exactly how your child’s brain and nervous system are functioning and communicating is far more valuable than knowing where they sit on the height and weight chart in your pediatrician’s office.
What do the INSiGHT Scans find?
The INSiGHT Scans are all about finding, tracking, and understanding if subluxation and dysautonomia are present. And if they are, we need to know two things about them:
How significant or severe (mild, moderate, severe, or intensive)?
Where within the neurospinal system are things primarily located (tracking, targeting)?
When too much tension and stress is stuck in one specific area of the neurospinal system, it helps us better understand why certain symptoms and conditions may be present. Additionally, running the INSiGHT Scans as part of a wellness checkup and before any symptoms may be present, helps us predict and get ahead of potential trouble later.
Think of the neurospinal system as the fuse box in your home. While our nervous system is quite a bit more intricate and complex than that, at its core, many of the sensory and motor nerves function similarly. In our office, we use the Neuro Fuse Chart below to help us better track and locate where and what kind of trouble the subluxation and dysautonomia may be causing!
First, let’s dive into what the Central Nervous System is and how it functions.
NOTE: Examination and assessment process of the (3) healthcare approaches:
Traditional Medicine – chases symptoms and looks for obvious pathology, not function.
Movement-Based Therapies (PT, OT, Speech) – assess muscular or ‘motor tone’ function through various movement assessments, strength tests, etc.
Pediatric Chiropractic – assesses and determines the function of the nervous system.
Our services.
Heart Rate Variability INSiGHT Scan. Stressors of daily life affect the function of our Central Nervous System (CNS). Within the CNS we have the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) which oversees the function of every system inside of your body. You do not have to think how to breathe, or how to beat your heart because this is the main role of your ANS. A stressful lifestyle affects the balance and regulation of your ANS.
The neuroPulse technology, scans your heart rate, measures your skin temperature and anxiety levels to calculate your Hear Rate Variability (HRV). A chiropractor uses the results to better understand your ANS adaptability to stressors of life. Chiropractic care may help regulate your ANS more efficiently by providing specific adjustments through your spine.
MUSCULAR INSiGHT Scan. The Central Nervous System (CNS) is constantly communicating with your spinal muscles to assess your posture. The CNS is trying to make sure you can stand upright when standing or walking. A disruption in this communication can send the wrong signals to the brain. Consequently, the muscles around your spine may get overstressed or underactive creating hypertonic (tight) or hypotonic (loose) muscles. Having an unbalanced energy flow (nerve communication) through your spine may allow for subluxation (joints not moving properly) to occur.
The neuroCore technology measures the energy flowing through the muscles around your spine. A chiropractor uses the results to better understand your postural muscles activity. Chiropractic care may help balancing your energy flow efficiently by providing specific adjustments through your spine.
The Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) controls every organ, gland, and blood vessel in your body. Changes in the integrity and function of the vertebral joint (subluxations) can alter that ANS function and control. Increase temperature around your spine, can indicate the overstressed areas that decrease that nerve communication between your brain and your body organ or system. Therefore, the autonomic control is compromised, and your internal organ activity may be decreased. If we allow these areas of decrease communication to continue, your body will not be able to heal properly when necessary.
The neuroThermal scan, using infrared technology, can detect temperature difference in every spinal level. A chiropractor interprets the results to identify areas of poor autonomic nerve regulation and organ control. Chiropractic care may help regulate organs, glands, and blood vessel control more efficiently by providing specific adjustments through your spine.